January 2024

Mansion History

Through an expansive partnership with Montgomery County’s schools, and an investment in free public arts programs throughout the community, Bloom helps Strathmore reach over 23,000 neighbors annually. In 1979, Montgomery County, Maryland acquired the Mansion and 11 acres of land from ASHA. The house was renamed Strathmore Hall, after the newly established nonprofit, and the

About Boston’s Transitional Sober Living

If the resident is coming from another treatment program, clinical reports will be requested following a voluntary signed release from the resident. Ownership and usage of the land is not well-known until 1823 when a toll road was built to connect Georgetown and Frederick. As shown on an 1879 map, local landowner Frank Ball operated

October 2023

Failed Drug Test At Work A Guide for Employers

As we discuss in this article, a construction company with 100 employees would face nearly $50,000 annually for employing substance abuse in the workplace from turnover, lost productivity, and employee health. Some companies' drug testing policies allow for immediate termination when any employee in the organization tests positive on their drug test. With the job

Asking Eric: Were sober and tired of splitting restaurant bills with expensive drinkers

Choose Life Sober Adventures believes that travel and community are vital to leading a healthy and positive life. Through community focused adventures, our small groups of like-minded sober travelers can discover the world, discover others and discover themselves. Known for its stunning red rock formations and serene desert landscapes, Sedona offers a peaceful retreat https://www.azerilove.net/articles/245/1/love-sayings-ana-quotes

September 2023

The Benefits of Sober Living Homes

Months later, when she made contact with a cousin who had fled one of the fraudulent homes, she understood the scope of what was happening. Her cousin had been coerced into a white van in Farmington, New Mexico, with four other people. They were immediately provided with alcohol and left at a house in Phoenix,

Sober Living Recovery Housing Addiction Alcoholic

Sober living homes are for people who have completed a treatment program but need additional support to sustain long-term recovery. Oxford House is the largest network of sober living houses anywhere, with houses in all major areas of Florida. There are also sober living homes tailored to specific age groups, professions, or individuals with co-occurring

Dozens of sober living providers claim they were racially targeted in lawsuit

In a brief statement, Daniel Scarpinato, a Ducey spokesperson, did not comment on missed opportunities to detect and stop the fraud under his administration. But he said that the former governor went to great lengths to ensure a smooth transition for Hobbs and that members of Ducey’s staff continued to make themselves available to her

Can you drink alcohol while taking methylprednisolone tablets?

Research suggests the length of time you've been taking prednisone matters more than the specific dosage. The researchers also said the effects of alcohol were "trivial," compared to the impact of steroid use. Alcohol's effects on your cardiovascular system are a little more nuanced. Small amounts of alcohol can lower your blood pressure temporarily. But

February 2023

How Does Alcohol Affect Kidneys? Drinking and Kidney Facts

It’s only done when you’ve temporarily or permanently lost most or all of your kidney function. Alcohol affects several of your body’s organs, including your kidneys. Drinking in moderation (one drink a day for women and two drinks a day for men) usually won’t harm your kidneys. Although most people have two kidneys, only one